Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Magazine Layouts

1) What Works?

I think on the first page the blocking of the text help the eye to pick a starting point and not get side tracked whilst reading what else is happening on the same page. Also keeping to the same colour palate reduces the feeling of being overwhelmed when presented with a page so full of content.
For my second attempt, I think the artistic approach of compressing all three images into one large image, reduced the busy feel and created and more simple feel, accompanied by the use of white space. Also, by placing the text narrowly down the right hand side of the page, it camouflages it and forces the eye to look at the image first and not the huge amount of text that is there to be read.

2) What doesn't work?

Being confined to an A4 page.

3)What are the difficulties you encountered with splitting up the page?

I think the hardest was developing an idea in my mind, but then having to forces it to fit an A4 sizes page. Also trying to work out proportions i.e which article gets more space, or is the page divided up equally. It was the same with the images, do you have a large image and small/reduced text or a little image and lots/large text. But over all trying to make it look professional and good all at the same time and not like the local school editorial, was probably the trickiest part.

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