This Dental surgery logo really leands it's self to adaptation and alterations, i.e the use of the apple logo alone for shirt embroidered logo's. Howver it's self as a whole can also be used in every apsect of the companies image, perfect for letter heads, buisness card footers, window signs and so on. the alternate use of green, comparred to the generic use of blues i dental logo's, is a refreshing approch. It removes the harsh clinical feel and replaces it with a kind of fruity, swwet tastin green.
I feel this logo is very strong end effective due to it's simplicity. The clean crispness emphasizes the fresh feel and appeal that this floristry company is clearly all about. The French name "Arome" and "Createur Floral" generates these French images of cobble streets, window rose bushes, perfume shops and grand harbours, all filled with romance, such like their flowers. The simple square nature of this logo makes it ideally versatile for things such as, bouquet stickers, shop front sign, shirt logo, business card logo, letter head of footer and receipt header; which is why it works well as a professional company logo.
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